Unproductive and unnecessary Investments and spending, listed among causes of Poverty in Northern Ghana


The Deputy Upper West regional Minister, Amidu C. Issahaku has identified unproductive investments and unnecessary spending among factors that have led to the underdevelopment and poverty in Northern Ghana.

According to him, many of the inhabitants who are peasants spend proceeds from their farming activities on celebration of funerals much to the neglect of other important needs like investments or education.

“Our people spend more on funerals and parties after they sell their farm produce and these are areas that don’t bring any returns to the individuals but if you find some kind of business and invest in it with time you will get more money to look after your health and other issues but our people are not conscious of the fact that they need to invest these limited resources in productive ventures that will keep them economical viable”.

The Ghana Demographic and Health survey, 2014 report, indicate that, the three regions of the North are the poorest in the country with the Upper West region been the worst hit by poverty.

Reacting to such negative development, Amidu Issahaku told Diamond News in an interview that government’s social intervention policies were meant to relieve the people from some financial responsibilities so that they can as well invest financially in ventures that would help them in the long run, but that seems not to be happening as local people are not taking advantage of such policies.

he said, “Government introduced a lot of social interventions and the essence is for government to take of some financial burden from the people so that the money they have can be invested into other areas”.

“Just like the free SHS the monies that would’ve been used for school fees becomes savings in your pockets but do they use these savings to undertake economic ventures that will increase their financial abilities”, he quizzed.
He said the solution there lie in continuous financial educations for indigene to see the need to invest in productive ventures to propel sustainable development and drive the poverty alleviation agenda, Amidu Issahaku further stated

The acting Upper West regional Minister also was unhappy with the many young people from the North who disregard the numerous opportunities available, but rather migrate in to the south in search of non existing jobs.
He mentioned opportunities such as agriculture which has so far not attracted the youth.

“You find that most of the animals we buy are imported meanwhile we have fertile land that we can farm and rear animals and that becomes a form of investments for our people unfortunately you find many of the productive people all moving to the South for work that they cannot find”, he noted.

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