• NPP in Bimbilla defends’ their MP, Dominic Nitiwul saying “he isn’t involved in Konkomba-Chekosi fight!


NPP constituency executives in the Bimbilla constituency in the Northern Region have refuted claims that the Defense Minister, Dominic Nitiwul, is aiding the Komkomba community in a recent conflict between Konkombas and the Chekosis in the Chereponi and Saboba areas.

According to executives, Konkombas have not been involved in any conflict with other ethnic groups since 2002, when Nitiwul became the MP and it is therefore unfair to blame the MP for the conduct of any of his kinsmen.

At a press conference in Bimbilla, the NPP constituency secretary, Nimotimi Amos questioned why the defense Minister should be blamed for the breach of internal security when he is not in charge of internal security?

They also claimed that, the defense Minister who is also MP for the Bimbilla constituency was busy touring the constituency from December 28 to January 2 and could not have been in Saboba on the 31st of December 2018, as alleged by the Anafu Youth Association in one of their press conferences, where they also demanded that the President sacks Nitiwul from his government.

The NPP constituency executives at Bimbilla also indicated that lot of Chekosis and Komkomba settlements exist in the Bimbilla constituency and the MP continually regard them as his constituents without any form of discrimination. They thereby urged the public to disregard the baseless accusations on the MP.

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