Second Lady Samira Bawumia launches “The Safe Delivery Project” through SEHP in the Northern Region


The Second Lady, Mrs. Samira Bawumia, on Thursday March 16, 2023, launched ‘The Safe Delivery Project’ in the Saboba District of the Northern Region.

The Project, is aimed at helping reduce maternal and neonatal mortality in the area.

The second lady, through the Samira Empowerment and Humanitarian Project (SEHP) is aimed at contributing to the reduction of maternal and neonatal mortality through training and education as well as provision of well-resourced birth kits to expectant mothers.

The project also seeks to improve the survival of mothers and newborns, by tackling the causes of maternal and neonatal mortality, particularly Postpartum Hemorrhage, Hypertensive disorders, as well as Infections.

Mrs. Bawumia speaking at the launch in Saboba, said though there were other many issues as far as women health is concern, maternal and neonatal mortality is the greatest and the most heart-breaking concern.

She said, despite the progress in maternal and neonatal deaths over the years, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) estimates that, 2.8 million pregnant women and newborns die every year. Meaning, a newborn or pregnant mother dies every eleven (11) seconds, mostly from preventable causes.

“This is a tragedy that we cannot continue to ignore”.

Mrs. Bawumia added that, the Ghana maternal mortality ratio stands at 308 per 100,000 while the neonatal mortality ratio is 23 per 1,000 live births consecutively. Indicating the 2017 maternal health survey revealed that about two-thirds of all maternal deaths are direct maternal deaths.

Referring to the World Health Organization (WHO) report on maternal mortality, the second lady, stated that the major complications that account for nearly 75% of all maternal deaths such as, Severe bleeding / Hemorrhaging, Infection (usually after childbirth), Complications from delivery (obstructed labour / raptured uterous), High Blood Pressure during pregnancy and, Unsafe abortions.

“Reducing maternal mortality is not just an issue of development, but also an issue of human rights.

Preventable maternal mortality occurs where there is a failure to give effect to the rights of women’s health, equality and non-discrimination. And this often represents a violation of a woman’s right to life”.

She further explained that, “the work of addressing avoidable maternal deaths in Ghana is however, a collective one. I am
happy that today I am launching the Safe Delivery Project in the Saboba District. This project is being launched here not only because you are dear to my heart but also because you are one of the worst affected districts in Ghana”.

“We need to reduce maternal deaths, reduce neonatal deaths, increase skilled delivery, and increase antenatal care and post-natal care by addressing some of the major causes of maternal mortality, –Postpartum Haemorrhage, infections, and hypertension”, she added.

As part of the project, the Second Lady presented birth kits to some registered expectant pregnant women who were within their third trimester of pregnancy to help ensure safe deliveries.

The birth kits such as, Cord clamps, cord tie, gauze, cord sheets / baby wiping cloth, sterile blade, combine dressing, delivery mat, name tag, and gloves. Chlorhexidine gel/methylated spirit, misoprostol tablets (anti-hemorrhaging prophylaxis), hematinic capsules, folic acid tablets, and soaps are also placed in the packaging bags containing the birth kit.

Over the next few years, SEHP aims to provide up to 100,000 well-resourced birth kits to expected mothers in the country to help reduce the incidence of maternal and neonatal mortality.

The Northern Regional Minister Alhaji Shaani Alhassan Sayibu, in his welcome address, said primary health was paramount towards the development of the country, urging residents to take every opportunity of the project to improve health care in the area.

Hundreds of guest including students, residents, health officers, chiefs, party executives, attended the event organized at the Saboba township.

The chiefs commended the second lady for the gesture and assure her their readiness to support the project.

Meanwhile, the Second Lady, Mrs Samira Bawumia, after launching the project also donated several medical items to the Saboba District Hospital.

The items include, hospital beds, pharmaceutical aids, monitoring stethoscopes, particulate filter masks, traps & mucous for ENT, medical apparel, sterile medical sheets inclusive of drapes, linens and patients transfer sheets, nursing and dressing essentials, catheter sets, gloves, non-contact infrared thermometers, digital infrared thermometer, mouth to mouth resuscitators, syringes, plastic suction catheter, wound closure strip, vaginal illuminator, first aid kits, plus cannula with chin straps, drapes, and lancet strips.

Story By: Alhassan Yakubu | |Ghana

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