Let’s implement the Climate Change Learning Strategy in our schools- National Coordinator of GASIP to Stakeholders


The National Coordinator of Ghana Agricultural Sector Investment Programme (GASIP), Mr. Klutse Kudomor, has called on the stakeholders of the Ghana Education Service (G.E.S) to seek the implementation of the ‘Climate Change Learning Strategy’ (CCLS). 

The strategy, he said aims to introduce climate change lessons in the syllabus of basic schools in the country to improve the knowledge of children on climate change and influencing a positive behavior towards environmental protection.

Mr. Klutse Kudomor made the call at the launch of the school’s Green Climate Clubs in Tamale.

The Ghana Education Service (GES), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology & Innovation (MESTI) in 2019 announced the ‘Climate Change Learning Strategy’ (CCLS) initiative.

The goal of this initiative is to introduce climate change lessons into the curriculum of basic (primary) schools in the country, to improve children’s knowledge and influence positive behaviour towards the environment.

The Ghana Agricultural Sector Investment Programme (GASIP) in collaboration with the Ghana Metrological Agency, on Monday March 13, 2023, launched greed climate clubs’ initiative at some selected Senior High Schools in the Northern Region.

The Clubs will work towards mitigating the impact of the weather on Agriculture and other sectors of the economy.

The initiative also aimed at serving as a tool to enable the relevant institutions to recognize and appreciate the critical need for early action in the face of Ghana’s changing climate and weather dynamics.

The GASIP National Coordinator, Mr. Klutse Kudomor whose speech was read on his behalf lauded the initiative, saying despite the various agricultural and climate change-related interventions by governments and development partners, countries in the sub-region at one time or the other face climate-related productivity and food security issues. 

He noted that, the need for concerted effort in addressing and approaching issues of climate change cannot be over-emphasized. “This event is therefore appropriate as it seeks to establish Climate Clubs in every Senior High School in Ghana, with the goal of spreading knowledge on climate change, adaptation, and its associated mitigation measures”.  

“The Ghana Agricultural Sector Investment Programme, GASIP, fully supports this initiative by the Ghana Meteorological Agency, (GMET) of empowering students to act on issues related to climate change”, he assured.

“Young men and women here, you are not just future leaders, but also ambassadors of the environment”, he admonished.  

On her keynote address, the Deputy Communication Minister Honorable Ama Pomaa Boateng, said the initiative was laudable and timely adding that the government was committed to addressing the issues related to Climate Change having full cognizance of the lack of environmental and climate change education, particularly among the youth.

The Minister urged the students and teachers to own the clubs and do all within their ability to keep them functional.

“We need you to make impacts in your communities and lead vigorously the advocacy for climate action. I look forward to an energetic generation who are poised to protect their environment for now and the future to support the implementation and achievement of our SDGs,” she said.

 Mrs. Pomaa Boateng, noted that she expected that GMET and partners would make efforts to establish the same in schools nationwide. “In this regard, the Ministry will continue to put in efforts to re-equip GMET to vigorously pursue this programme”.

Speaking on the mission, the Acting Director General of the Ghana Metrological Agency (GMet), Mr. Eric Asuman, said the establishing of the Green Climate Clubs in the Second Cycle institutions is to capacitate every Ghanaian child with the knowledge and understanding on climate sustainability and environmental development.

“This is one of the strategies the GMet is employing, with the goal of spreading knowledge about climate change, adaptation, and mitigation to the youth to support SDG 1”, he said.

Meanwhile, the Northern Regional Minister in his welcoming address commended the Ghana Meteorological Agency and the Ghana Agricultural Investment Program for coming with such an initiative to address the climate change issues.

Story By: Alhassan Yakubu |www.diamondfmonline.com |Ghana.

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