Operation calm life foils robbery attempt at Kakpayili, but the residents are unhappy that no arrests had been made


Residents of kakpayili in the Tamale metropolis are demanding immediate action from the police to ending armed robbery incidents in the area.

According to the concerned residents of Kakpayili, recent armed robbery cases have left them in a state of fear.

A gang of six armed robbers according to some residents, attempt to rob a fuel filling station in the community, but were confronted by the operation calm live security personnel who have since mounted a barrier in front of the filing station.

According to the eyewitnesses who spoke off tape with Diamond News said the suspect armed robbers after a tough time with security personnel fired a gun shot and sped off.

Similarly last year on January 28, armed attackers stormed the same fuel filling station and killed a watchman on duty before making away with huge sums of monies.

 “We find the situation so strange and outrageous and therefore wish to state our disappointment in the Ghana Police for allowing such criminals to go free without killing or arresting at least one of them,” an angry resident remarked.

Owner of the Zeen filling station at kakpayili, Abubakari Yakubu Musah confirming the shooting incident to Diamond News, however commended the security for acting swiftly to prevent the robbers from attacking the filling station the second term.

Meanwhile Diamond News made efforts to speak to the northern regional police command, but this proved futile.

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