Lack of furniture compelling pupils to learn on bare floor in Gumo basic school


The lack of furniture at the GUMO D/A Basic School in the Kumbungu District of the Northern Region has compelled pupils to sit on the bare floor to learn.

The situation according to the management is affecting quality teaching and learning in the School.

Diamond News visit to the school proved that there isn’t a single chair at the Kindergarten (KG) where the infants sat on the bare floor with a few others sitting on mats to study.

The lack of furniture isn’t only a challenge to the KG block as the primary and JHS pupils are also facing similar challenge.

Some of the pupils who spoke to Diamond News complained about their uniform being dirty as a result of lying and sitting on bare floor to write for long hours.

“We are not happy with this condition. We have been lying on our bellies because we do not have furniture in our classrooms. Sometimes we lose concentration during classes because of this condition”.

“We want the authorities or benevolent organizations to come to our aid by providing us with furniture so that we can take studies seriously” the pupils stated.

Some Teachers at the GUMO D/A Basic School, speaking to Diamond News on condition of anonymity said the furniture challenge is affecting effective teaching and learning.

They regretted that majority of the children sit on mats and on the bare floor, and the situation is affecting quality education in the school.

 “We don’t have furniture in the classrooms. Take JHS One with about 37 pupils, yet we only have three dual desks in the class. The other blocks including the KG have none so we are compelled to use the bare floor to write.”

JHS One students at Gumo D/A sitting on the floor to write

According to the teachers, they have informed the Kumbungu District Assembly, but they are yet to attend to their concerns.

Ghana, having signed unto the Sustainable Development Goal 4 which calls for ensuring equitable quality education for all, is thus far from achieving this considering the deficit in furniture at GUMO D/A Primary School where the pupils are denied access to quality education.

Story by: Alhassan Yakubu

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