Former Kumbungu MP Ras Mubarak allegedly presents “expired” medical items to Kumbungu Health Directorate


Information reaching has indicated that, the former Member of Parliament (MP) for Kumbungu constituency Honorable Ras Mubarak, has allegedly presented an expiring medical items to the Kumbungu Health Directorate.

A citizen vigilante, Rashid Sumaila a resident of the Kumbungu District, brought the issue to the public attention through a statement and copied to

The items include sterile disposable syringes, infection control urinary drainage bags, knotless tissue control devices, tracheostomy bags, general medical kits, safety needles, boxes of hand cleaner gel and C-Section Kits.

The Kumbungu District Health Director Dr. Braimah Mustapha Faruck, has since confirmed to of receiving the medical items from the former Kumbungu MP.

Speaking exclusively to, Dr. Braimah Mustapha Faruck, said subsequent crosscheck by his office after receiving the items, established that some of the medical items donated by the former MP was indeed expired.

“Whenever we receive a donated item, we have to crosscheck before putting it into our stores and document it in our records. In fact, yesterday was a busy day because a team came from Tolon to assess us, and so I made our store keeper to crosscheck it. And, later he indicated to me that some of the items were actually expired. But I haven’t seen the expiring items yet to know the quantity because I was busy throughout yesterday”, he explained.

However, the citizen vigilante, Rashid Sumaila, in his statement has called on the former MP Ras Mubarak to render an unqualified apology to the Chiefs and people of Kumbungu constituency for putting their lives at risk.

He further demanded the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) to summon Ras Mubarak for interrogation and subsequent punitive actions if necessary.

“I will petition the Kumbungu District He

I will petition the Kumbungu District Helth Directorate to take painstaking steps to verify the efficacy of all the donated items to ensure that our lives are not jeopardized for someone’s political expediency”, he stated.

He thus called on the authority, to make frantic efforts to get into contact with the MISSION 195, USA, the partner agency of the items for their side of the deal.

“It would be recalled that on 22nd September, 2018, Vice President, Alhaji Mahmud Bawumia in a like manner, donated expired food items to the victims of the Bagre Dam spillage in Wa, and the entire country stood up for the poor victims. I wish to therefore call on all voices of reason to add their voice and save the good people of Kumbungu constituency from an impending catastrophic effect, should these expired tools find their way into our health centers”, he stated.

Story By: Alhassan Yakubu | |Ghana.Story By: Alhassan Yakubu | |Ghana.

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