“We will respond to any disparaging remarks aimed at dragging the name of Dr Mahamudu Bawumiya through mud”. United Front for Bawumia warns


United Front for Bawumia a pro NPP youth group in the Northern Region has issued a stern warning to members of the largest opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), saying they will respond in equal measure and proportionate manner to any disparaging comments aimed at dragging the name of Dr Mahamudu through the mud.

“We are sending a strong warning to the members of NDC that whatever they say about Dr Mahamudu we will also come out with the same measures to defend our leader.” 

Their warning comes in response to comments made by the General Secretary of the opposition NDC. It is reported that, the General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Fifi Fiavi Kwetey in his remarks during the flagbearer of NDC His Excellency John Dramani Building Ghana Tour in the Northern, described the Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, who is also the flagbearer of NPP, as a “disgrace to the North.”

Mr. Fifi Kwetey criticized Dr Bawumia, accusing him of being untrustworthy and deceptive, which he believes does not reflect well on Northern Region and urged the people of the North to prevent him from winning the upcoming December elections. 

Alhaji Baba Alhassan leader of the group, while calling on politicians in the northern region to do away with insults, also call on his H.E John Dramani Mahama and the leadership of NDC to call their General Secretary Fifi Kwetey to order before his actions disunite the region. 

He said the NPP and its leader will campaign based on policies and initiative and not on insults. But he was quick to state that, “if Fifi Kwetey thinks that he can come to the north and say anything to northerners and go free, we will juxtapose John Dramani Mahama and our leader to see who is trustworthy and who is untruthful”

He further narrated that, “we speak now of the regrettable actions of the General Secretary of the NDC, Fiifi Kwetey, whose words have cut deep into the fabric of our unity. With reckless abandon, he has unleashed a barrage of insults and vitriol upon the character of His Excellency, the Unblemished Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia”.

“The time has come for us to raise our voices in unison, to cast light upon the darkness of division, and to demand accountability from those who seek to tear us apart. In the hallowed halls of our Northern heritage, we stand firm against such affronts to our dignity”.

“For too long, the Northern spirit has been tested by the fires of adversity, yet we have emerged resilient, bound together by the unbreakable bonds of kinship and shared destiny. It is this indomitable spirit that we must summon now, as we confront the challenges that threaten to undermine our unity,” he added.

Story By: Alhassan Yakubu |www.diamondfmonline.com |Ghana.

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