Sanarigu Municipal Assembly enagages residents in Town Hall gathering


The Sagnarigu Municipality recorded more than 50 percent increment in enrolment at the basic level over the past one year.

This is due to the expansion of beneficiary schools of the school feeding program, from 36 to 66 schools within the municipality which resulted in enrollment figures rising from 16, 217 to over 25,324 pupils in 2017.

Addressing a town hall meeting organized by the Sagnarigu Municipal Assembly, the MCE Iddrisu Mariam said, the Free SHS policy which is providing equitable and accessible quality senior high school education had also witnessed an increase in students’ population in all the four SHS in the municipality.

The Municipal Chief Executive, Iddrisu Mariam lamented the lack of a municipal hospital to serve as an immediate referral center for people in the municipality was impacting negatively on health care delivery in Sanarigu.

She opined that, the assembly working with other development partners had begun implementing interventions that were geared toward food and nutrition, improvement in diet, outreach activities and anemia prevention.

The Municipal Chief Executive Iddrisu Mariam talked of development within the Municipality ranging from agriculture, infrastructural development, security, water and sanitation and local governance.

The town hall meeting provided a platform for policy makers and implementers to have an interface with the people on government policies and programs.

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