Minister of Finance launches Ghc1.5 million Scholarship Fund for Aboabo and Zogbeli


The Minister of Finance, Dr Mohammed Amin Adam Anta, on Sunday February 25, 2024, launched a two separate fund of what he calls a One Million Ghana cedis scholarship fund to support brilliant but needy students of Aboabo and Zogbeli electoral area in the Tamale Metropolis of the Northern Region.

One million Ghana Cedis (Ghc 1,000,000) for Aboabo and 500, 000 Ghana Cedis for Zogbeli electoral area. 

The Minister, also a Member of Parliament (MP) for Karaga Constituency, said the move formed part of concerted efforts under his agenda to help underprivileged students to improve the standard of education in these two electoral areas that had mold him to achieve what he had today.

The Minister unveiled the funds when he visited the communities to officially announce to them his new role and also to thank them for playing a key role in his life. 

“I had to give back to Aboabo for what Aboabo has given to me, and therefore from today I am establishing a one million Ghana cedis scholarship fund, that I will be contributing cash to this fund to support the payment of school fees by those who qualified to go to the universities. This I believe is my significant contribution to building the human resource base of Aboabo to empowering the youth of Aboabo so that they can become leaders of our country tomorrow,” he said.

He further indicated that the scholarship he believed would be the greatest empowerment that he can give to these communities.

Dr Amin Anta in his quest to help to empower the youth gave Ghc500,000 each as seed money to the elders of the two communities. 

In his remarks, the Minister thus challenged the youth in these communities to take their education seriously in their quest to become useful to themselves, their families and the nation at large.

He also urged the youth to eschew laziness, indiscipline and embrace the tenets of obedience, respect, and Godliness at all times as future leaders of the country.

“My appointment should also be an inspiration to the young once my brothers, my children, should be inspired by this appointment into believing that if they go to school; if they work hard, there is nothing that is above them, there is nothing unachievable by them”, he advised.  

Addressing the communities at a separate durbar, the Minister, also revealed that he has taken a step to empower women in these two communities with credit facilities to enhance their businesses. He thus charge them to form groups for the initiative.

The Minister while thanking the people of Aboabo and Zogbeli for his success, also called on them to continue praying for him to enable him succeed in his new role. 

“This job is a difficult job, and I want to continue counting on your support and your prayers so that under the directive of His Excellency the President I can contribute my quota to the management of our economy for the betterment of our people”, he called.

Story By: Alhassan Yakubu | |Ghana.

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