Empowering Media Professionals to Combat Misinformation: A Two-Day Training Program by MFWA


In the lead-up to the 2024 elections, the Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA) organized a timely two-day media training program in Tamale, equipping journalists and media professionals with the skills to navigate the complex landscape of misinformation, propaganda, and AI-driven disinformation. Facilitated by Ms. Roselina Ahiable, Programme Officer at Dubawa, the training aimed to promote information hygiene and responsible reporting.

The training kicked off with an in-depth exploration of the nuances of misinformation, disinformation, and propaganda. During the session, for some 25 selected media professionalsfrom the northern and Savannah regions, Ms. Ahiable delved into the tactics employed by propagandists, including emotional manipulation, cherry-picking facts, and scapegoating. Participants engaged in interactive discussions, analyzing real-world examples of propaganda narratives and their impact on public opinion.

The afternoon session focused on the role of AI in spreading disinformation. Media professionals learned about deepfakes, bots, and algorithmic bias, as well as strategies for identifying and debunking AI-generated disinformation.

The second day began with a hands-on fact-checking workshop, where participants learned practical techniques for verifying information and sources. Ms. Ahiable emphasized the importance of transparency, accountability, and media literacy in promoting information hygiene.

The training concluded with a session on responsible reporting, highlighting the ethical considerations and best practices for journalists covering elections. Participants discussed the challenges of balancing freedom of expression with the need to combat misinformation and promote fact-based reporting.

The two-day training program empowered media professionals with the knowledge and skills to: Identify and debunk misinformation and propaganda narratives, recognize AI-driven disinformation and deepfakes, apply fact-checking techniques and promote information hygiene, practice responsible reporting and ethical journalism during the 2024 elections

By strengthening the capacity of media professionals to combat misinformation, the Media Foundation for West Africa and Dubawa contributed to a more informed and engaged citizenry, crucial for the integrity of Ghana’s democratic process.

The training formed part of the impositions of the Media Foundation for West Africa’s project, on the theme “Countering Hate speech and Polarisinf Narratives to foster Democratic Consolidation and peace in Ghana”.

Story By: Ewurama Attoh |www.diamondfmonline.com |Ghana.

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