Allegation of bribery against me is malicious – Hon. Haruna Iddrisu


Minority Leader Haruna Iddrisu has described news of his involvement in the GNPC Bribery Scandal as malicious, mischievous and a pack of lies meant to create disfavor and disaffection for him.

According to the Tamale South MP, the publication “is also a premeditated effort to place a wedge among us as the Minority Group, cause disunity within our Caucus and make us incapable of holding government accountable for its policies and decisions – which is one of our key responsibilities”.

“I wish to place on record that the publication under reference is spurious, malicious, baseless and a figment of the imagination of the “ghost” writer”.

The Herald Newspaper, on Friday September 3 published, under the banner headline “CSO Names Haruna Iddrisu and Ato Forson in GNPC Bribery Scandal.”

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But a statement on the official social media handle of Parliament of Ghana indicated that, “the said publication is nothing but falsehood calculated at tarnishing my hard-won reputation and bring me into disrepute and public opprobrium. It also exposes the general lack of knowledge and understanding of the workings of parliament”.

“I also implore my colleague members of the NDC Caucus in Parliament to disregard this attempt by what is obviously the work of unseen hands to create disfavor and disaffection for me personally” the statement added.

Below is the full statement from Parliament.

My attention has been drawn to a publication on the front page of the Friday, September 3 2021 edition of The Herald newspaper. The said publication was under the banner headline “CSO Names Haruna Iddrisu and Ato Forson in GNPC Bribery Scandal.”

I wish to place on record that the publication under reference is spurious, malicious, baseless and a figment of the imagination of the “ghost” writer. The fact that the writer mysteriously omitted his by-line shows his or her malevolent intent and points to the fact that the publication is a fabrication. I wonder why the writer will want to hide under the cloak of anonymity if he or she were confident of his news story.

For purposes of emphasis, I have at no time participated in or been privy to the issues, dealings and processes that have been alleged against me. The said publication is nothing but falsehood calculated at tarnishing my hard-won reputation and bring me into disrepute and public opprobrium. It also exposes the general lack of knowledge and understanding of the workings of parliament.

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I entreat all well-meaning and discerning members of the public to read in-between the lines and see this publication as exactly what it is – malicious, mischievous and a pack of lies. I also implore my colleague members of the NDC Caucus in Parliament to disregard this attempt by what is obviously the work of unseen hands to create disfavor and disaffection for me personally. It is also a premeditated effort to place a wedge among us as the Minority Group, cause disunity within our Caucus and make us incapable of holding government accountable for its policies and decisions – which is one of our key responsibilities.

I demand that The Herald retracts the said publication and render an unqualified apology with the same prominence as the said malicious publication within 24 hours failing which notice is hereby served that I have instructed my lawyers to assess all possible grounds that this publication offers for a legal suit against The Herald newspaper, the writer of the story and all the hidden faces behind such a wicked and politically motivated publication against my person.


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