Afia Schwar Reveals the source of Serwaa Amihere and John Boadu bedroom video.
Comedienne Afia Schwarzenegger has brought a new twist to the recent social media saga concerning broadcaster Joyce Serwaa Amihere, John Boadu, and other leading members of the NPP.
Serwaa, a presenter with GHOne TV, trended on social media over the past weekend after an account on Snapchat named Bombsheli made loads of allegations against her.
The Snapchat account which has since been disabled claimed Serwaa had been maintaining multiple affairs with some prominent men in Ghana including John Boadu and other leading members of NPP.
The Snapchat account threatened to release bedroom videos to back the claims and ended releasing a screenshot which was later found to have been picked from the internet.
With the inconsistencies in the allegations and the fake screenshot (video), many discerning people have now realized the claims were cooked up to tarnish people’s images.
Since the saga came up, what has been lingering on the minds of social media users is the question of who might have been behind the account and for what purpose it was created to achieve.
But in a new series of videos, Afia Schwar has suggested answers to the lingering questions on the minds of social media users.
According to Schwar, information reaching her indicates that the rumors were started by one man who wants to contest John Boadu for the NPP General Secretary position.
Schwar explained that the said man had a lot of issues about his reputation and wants to tarnish that of John Boadu in order to be equal with him on that level.
For Schwar, it was not fair for John Boadu to be treated this way because of internal party elections after he had helped the NPP win election on two occasions as the general secretary.
Schwar also lamented why Boadu’s opponent will just concoct stories and drag Serwaa in just to score political points.